
…NOTE: Donations in honor of Hannah McIntire Sweeney can be made by clicking the “Donate Now” button below…

On August 9, 1970, Robert Malcom Davis, then Treasurer of the Micum McIntire Clan Association offered these closing words in a booklet he had created for the 50th Annual Reunion of the Micum McIntire Clan:

Fifty Micum McIntire Clan gatherings have come and gone and we now look to the future.  It is important however that we not lose sight of the tradition and purpose which are contiguous to these reunions.  Except for the motivating spirit which prompted the founding of the “Micum McIntire Clan Association” and those who have carried it on, many of us would be unknown to one another.  We should not overlook this purpose in the ensuing years.  Never again should the rumblings and overtones of “disband” and “discontinue the gatherings” be heard at a reunion.  Through good times and “through difficulty” the current members and the members of tomorrow should work hard to perpetuate this gathering.  It is hoped that the Clan will grow and prosper for another 50 years so that this historical summation may someday again be updated to indicate that relatives were truly relatives to one another.

It is in this spirit that the Clan Council of the MMCA actively and continually seeks donations to insure our clan’s continued existence.

That existence involves expenses. The council is dedicated to making certain those expenses remain as low as possible. To help meet them, we rely on charitable donations. We invite willing clan members, prospective new members, and friends to contribute and show you care and support .

What follows is a convenient electronic form for contributions that can be made either offline or via PayPal. Please note that donations can be made in any amount and will be greatly appreciated.

As a bona fide 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, contributions are tax-deductible.

Credit / Debit card payments can be made through PayPal without a PayPal membership. For those wishing to make an offline contribution through check or money order, please make checks out to Denise Threlkeld, MMCA Treasurer, and mail to: Denise Threlkeld, MMCA Treasurer, 62 Autumn Drive, Centerville, MA 02632.

Become one of “Those who have carried it on!

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