Author: admin

Micum’s Life in the Colonies Part 2

by Jonathan Tucker This is the fourth in a series of articles about MacIntyres in general and the life of Micum McIntire in particular. This article (longer than some of the others) covers the period of Micum’s life in York, Maine. It may be subject to revision over time as new information becomes available. Disclaimer: This article emphasizes what we know about Micum’s life in York, which includes what previous historians focused on and emphasized.Learn More

Micum’s Life in the Colonies – Part 1

by Jonathan Tucker This is the third in a series of articles about MacIntyres in general and the life of Micum McIntire in particular. This article and the next (fourth article) will cover Micum’s life in the colonies. [This article revised October 3, 2018. Revisions in brackets.] The most definitive and comprehensive current source for information on MacIntyres in general is the newly-published book, “Clan MacIntyre: A Journey Into the Past,” Martin L. MacIntyre, RegentLearn More

McIntire – Spelling and Pronunciation

by Jonathan Tucker This is the second in a series of articles about Clan MacIntyre and the life of Micum McIntire. The most definitive and comprehensive current source for information on MacIntyres in general is the “Clan MacIntyre: A Journey Into the Past,” Martin L. MacIntyre, Regent Press, Berkeley, CA, 2018, second edition.  Copies may be purchased by contacting the author at . The definitive genealogy is “Descendants of Micum McIntire,” Robert Harry McIntire, revised edition,Learn More

What’s in a Name ~ Clan Origins

Jonathan Tucker, a Clan member and historian who has made several presentations at our Reunions has agreed to periodically post articles here related to our specific McIntire history. Here is the first. 8/30/2018 I have been asked to write a few articles on different aspects of Clan MacIntyre and on the life of Micum McIntire in particular. These are not scholarly articles, but I would be happy to provide references for specific questions. While I haveLearn More

The Micum McIntire Clan Association’s 100th Reunion.

An article by Clan Member Jonathan Tucker: This is the 24th article in a series of articles about the life and descendants of Micum McIntire, a Scottish prisoner of war who settled in York, Maine, and about MacIntyres in general. This article is about the upcoming 100th Anniversary of the Micum McIntire Clan Reunion to be held in York, Maine on August 1, 2020. Additional notices on this subject will be published as new informationLearn More

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