Origins in Scotland

by Jonathan Tucker

The most definitive and comprehensive current source for information on MacIntyres in general is the “Clan MacIntyre: A Journey Into the Past,” Martin L. MacIntyre, Regent Press, Berkeley, CA, 2018, second edition.  Copies may be purchased by contacting the author at .

The definitive genealogy is “Descendants of Micum McIntire,” Robert Harry McIntire, revised edition, 1983, Bookcrafters, Chelsea, MI.  This is often referred to as the “Red Book” among Micum descendants because of its bright red cover.  New copies may be obtained through the Gift Shop on this website:  Used copies can still be obtained from time to time through online booksellers. There is an earlier version published in 1940–it is less complete but still useful.

Those interested in pursuing their own genealogical connections to Micum McIntire may submit questions through this website at:

Micum’s Origins in Scotland

According to some of the available online genealogical information, Malcolm MacIntyre was born in 1625 in Glenoe, Argyll, Scotland, the second of three sons of Malcolm R. MacIntyre (Sr.) and Farala Francis McKinlay.  [PLEASE NOTE:  Genealogical information, while improving rapidly, is notorious for being filled with earlier “invention.”  The information above cannot at this time be confirmed, and is subject to change.  There are indications from researchers in Scotland that Micum, Robert, and Philip may have been born elsewhere—including but not limited to Perthshire, in the region of the River Tay.  This was also the region from which came the Campbell of Lawers infantry regiment that the men were most likely to have been part of during the September 3, 1650 battle of Dunbar.   Stay tuned.]

Farala is a rare first name in Scotland (more common as a surname), and appears to be of Irish origin.  Malcolm Sr. and Farala were both born and appear to have lived their early lives in Glenorchy, an area of small river valleys in Argyll east of Glenoe.  It is defined by several south-flowing streams, including most notably the River Orchy, which begins in the watershed around Loch Tulla to the north and east.  The River Orchy, River Strae, and several smaller tributaries all flow south through Glenorchy into Loch Awe.

Glenorchy’s small valleys were historically occupied by MacIntyres, MacGregors, and Fletchers, among others.  At the time of Micum’s birth, Glenorchy was under the feudal authority of Clan Campbell, along with most of the rest of the region.  Malcolm MacIntyre Senior’s father (Micum’s paternal grandfather) was Daniel MacIntyre, born 1578 in Argyll. His mother Farala’s parents were Thomas McInlay McKinley and Mary Galt, both born 1590 in Argyll.

Some sources assert that Micum and his brothers had an older sister Ann, who had been born a year before him in 1624 in Oban, a coastal fishing village and harbor town west of Glenorchy.  However, the historical fact is that Oban did not yet exist in 1624, and other sources have Anne has having been born and lived much later.  In any eve4nt, it is likely that Micum was the eldest child.  Micum’s next younger (middle) brother Robert was born in 1629, location unknown—some sources even have him born in northern Ireland.  The youngest brother Philip was born in 1630, once again at Glenoe.

Again, genealogical information, like history itself, is subject to near-constant change.  It is likely that this information will change in the future.

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