ZIG McIntire Clan / Scottish Cooking

CLAN COOKING UPDATE: The Scottish Cooking ZIG is currently on hiatus. In the meantime, we encourage you to try the delicious recipes below!

Briscoff Tiffin


The last cooking ZIG for 2022 is a recipe review to help you make some Scottish inspired cocktails for the upcoming holidays. Sign up for Wednesday 12/7 with Kelly Scribner at perardua1917@gmail.com.

Also, consider signing up for Wednesday 1/4/2023 – a session that starts off the new year with BURN’S NIGHT RECIPES & Planning.


Check your email for ZIG sign ups coming up for CRUACHAN in the KITCHEN – Heritage Cooking. NOV 9 – Mini Dundee Cake and Microwave Sticky Toffee Pudding!

NOV 30 – Lets plan for the holidays! Caladonia Cream / Tipsy Laird / Hebridean Hogmany “Tea” cocktail. Email Kelly at perardua1917@gmail.com to sign up for 11/9 and/or 11/30.

Recipes for Mini Dundee Cake and Micro Sticky Toffee pudding:


Cullen Skink

For registration and information, contact Kelly Scribner, at perardua1917@gmail.com.
(Click here for ingredients and directions)


Recently from Micum McIntire Clan Cooking…”Bridie Meat Pies”

For information contact Kelly Scribner, at perardua1917@gmail.com.

(Click here for “Bridie Meat Pies” ingredients and direction)

=== Cooking ZIG Schedule === “MMCA Cruachan in the Kitchen” ZOOM

September 20 (TUE): Bridies meat pies (pre made crust)  *link to recipe card*

October 12 (WED)  @ 4p: Cullen Skink. Email Kelly for the shopping list and recipe card if you’d like to join the ZOOM for WED, 10/12/22 @ 4p EST you will need smoked Haddock (8oz min). 

November 9 (WED) @ TBD: Dundee Mini Cake – will be a great addition to your traditional American Thanksgiving / wonderful hospitality gifts as we head into holiday season! 

NOVEMBER 30 (WED) @ TBD: YES! NOV x2 if the group is too busy in DEC to meet up.  
Sassy Desserts / drinks for the holidays: Caladonia Cream / Tipsy Laird / Hebridean Hogmany “Tea” cocktail
All of these will make a lovely fireside treat for Christmas or New Year or BOTH! We will decide if/ when we can meet up again in DEC to review fun party tips for Hogmanay (Scottish New Year) during this Zoom as well. 

2023 January 4 /or/ 11  (WED) @ TBD: Haggis Towers / Haggis bites/ Party Planning tips

A modern twist on the traditional fare for Burns Night. I’ll help you review this recipe (I prep / you watch)  and we will go over planning for your own special Burns Night festivities so you can stun your kin and charaids (friends) with a tasty and FUN Burns Night (1/25/23)

February 1 (WED) : Scottish Tablet

March 1 (WED)  Bannock bread 

April 5 (WED): Planning for Beltane (May 1st – Monday) History/ Modern Celebrations/ Fun – Fire – Food 




AUG TBD (WED) : Let’s Celebrate All Things Scottish! August is a huge month in Alba! Edinburgh Military Tattoo, the Fringe Festival, Gearing up for Braemar (1st Sat of Sept)

SEPT 6 (WED) : Scotch Meat pies. You will need 4” mini cheesecake pans. Ready-made crust will do but I can also show you how to make traditional crust. 


Kelly Scribner, MMCA Secretary

NOTE: Recently added to our webpage – A video of our 1/24/2022 ZIG Zoom meeting featuring Kelly Scribner’s session – “Haggis Tower” Click this link to view the session.


“Biscuits & Scones! Tuesday, February 8th at 7P EST

Kelly Scribner, our fabulous Cruachan in the Kitchen leader, will use page 37 from the Micum McIntire Clan Association Cookbook as a basis for the evening’s topic. Cookbook not required but if you would care to purchase one, clan cookbooks are available in our gift shop (link above).

 Future cooking topics:
*St. Valentine’s Day—Special Scottish Sweets
*Easter—Hot Cross Buns, Saltan Bread
*lots more to come in 2022!

Please email Kelly Scribner at perardua1917@gmail.com to register and obtain the Zoom link.


Join the fun and come to one of our upcoming Zoom Interest Groups (ZIGs)—we are having a great time learning about tracking down our ancestors from Jonathan Tucker, our Historian, and about clan cooking from Kelly Scribner, our Secretary. 

An invitation to join in the fun…

MMCA Member:

We are delighted to announce the launch for Zoom Interest Groups (ZIG for short!) for McIntire Clan / Scottish cooking and YOU are invited!

I will be using a collection of recipes from the McIntire Clan 2017 cookbook along with a few online resources. The cookbook will not be required to join this ZIG but is available from our website gift shop if you decide to purchase it. https://micummcintireclanassociation.org/product/micum-mcintire-clan-association-cookbook/

Ideas to start our group: Shortbread (Jeannette Sears Wood/pg 47) /proper cuppa (Brodie’s Tea) Scones (Jeannette Sears Wood/pg. 37) Bannock (Sally Turner/pg 37) Corn Chowder (Harriet Blaisedell McIntire) and/or Fish Chowder (to go with the bannock!)

We will work on recipes from the Clan cookbook and online resources to incorporate Scottish holidays and their signature food. Special event cooking is a great way to keep the momentum of your new hobby going! We can meet in advance of each holiday to work on the recipes together. Here are some holiday ideas for our group to consider:

Halloween (Samhain) (31st October) Did you know Halloween comes from the Scots shortening of the 1600’s “All Hallows Eve”? Enjoy pumpkin lentil soup (recipe from the National Trust website) before all that candy!

St. Andrew’s Day (30th November) Scotch Broth Sowan’s Night (Christmas Eve) Burn a Rowan branch to break away any bad blood between friends / relatives and eat Yule Bread (not Sowan which is a traditional oat husk highland meal)

Christmas (not a major holiday/official day off until well into the 1950’s)

Hogmanay New Year (1st January). Scotland takes TWO days off for this holiday so that gives you an idea on how to plan for this one! We will review traditional recipes and commercially available treats so you can make Hogmanay boxes for your home and those you love.

Burn’s Night (14th January) Ode to Haggis! We will make Haggis Towers. Haggis/potato (tates) and turnips (neeps) with a berry/whiskey sauce. A modern twist on the traditional meal.

St. Valentine’s Day (14th February) let’s make some sweets!

Easter (Various dates) hot cross buns, Saltan bread ….more to come for 2022!

Email me if you’d like to join in a zoom gathering for members like yourself who share a love of cooking! Gatherings will last approximately 45 minutes. All gatherings are free, but of course we encourage you to donate via the website or submit your dues.

Thank you and Cruachan!!

Kelly Scribner – Secretary, MMCA

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